
1 And to you did he give life, when you were dead through your wrongdoing and sins,

2 In which you were living in the past, after the ways of this present world, doing the pleasure of the lord of the power of the air, the spirit who is now working in those who go against the purpose of God;

3 Among whom we all at one time were living in the pleasures of our flesh, giving way to the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the punishment of God was waiting for us even as for the rest.

4 But God, being full of mercy, through the great love which he had for us,

5 Even when we were dead through our sins, gave us life together with Christ (by grace you have salvation),

6 So that we came back from death with him, and are seated with him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus;

7 That in the time to come he might make clear the full wealth of his grace in his mercy to us in Christ Jesus:

8 Because by grace you have salvation through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is given by God: