21 These things saying the Jesus was troubled in the spirit, and testified, and said: Indeed indeed I say to you, that one of you will betray me.

22 Looked then to each other the disciples, doubting about whom he was speaking.

23 Was now reclining one of the disciples of him in the bosom of the Jesus, whom loved the Jesus.

24 Nods then to him Simon Peter, to ask who it might be concerning of whom he speaks.

25 Falling and he on the breast of the Jesus, he says to him: O lord, who is it?

26 Answers the Jesus: He it is, to whom I have dipped the little piece shall give. And having dipped the little piece, he gives to Judas of Simon Iscariot.

27 And after the little piece, then answered into him the adversary. Says then to him the Jesus: What thou doest, do thou quickly.

28 This now no one knew of those reclining with why he said to him.

29 Some for thought, seeing that the box had the Judas, that says to him the Jesus: Buy what things need we have for the feast; or to the poor that something he should give.

30 Having taken then the little piece he immediately went out; it was and night.