Lucas 10

25 And lo, a lawyer certain stood up, tempting him, and saying: O teacher, what shall I do life agelasting I may inherit?

26 He and said to him: In the law what has been written? how readest thou?

27 He and answering said: Thou shalt love Lord the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the strength of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee; and the neighbor of thee as thyself.

28 He said and to him: Rightly thou hast answered; this do, and thou shalt live.

29 He but choosing to justify himself, said to the Jesus: And who is of me a neighbor?

30 Replying and the Jesus said: A man certain was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and robbers fell among; who both stripping him and blows having inflicted, they departed, leaving half dead being.

31 By chance and a priest certain was going down in the way that, and seeing him, passed along.

32 In like manner and also a Levite, having come near the place, coming and seeing, passed along.

33 A Samaritan but certain traveling, came near him, and seeing him, he was moved with pity.

34 And having approached he moved the wounds of him, pouring on oil and wine; having set and him on the own beast led him to an inn, and he took care of him.

35 And on the next day having come out, having taken out two denarii he gave to the inn keeper, and said to him: Take care of him; and whatever thou mayest expend more, I, in the return me, I will pay to thee.

36 Which then of them of the three a neighbor seems to thee to have been to the having fallen among the robbers?

37 He and said: He having shown the pity towards him. Said and to him the Jesus: Go, and thou do in like manner.