
7 Came and the day of the unleavened cakes, in which it is necessary to sacrifice the paschal lamb;

8 and he sent Peter and John, saying: Going prepare you for us the passover, that we may eat.

9 They and said to him: Where wilt thou we make ready?

10 He and said to them: Lo, having entered of you into the city, will meet you a man a pitcher of water carrying; follow you him into the house, where he enters; and say you to the householder of the house:

11 Says to thee the teacher: Where is the greatchamber, where the passover with the disciples of me I may eat?

12 And he to you will show an upper room large having been furnished; there prepare you.

13 Having gone and they found even as he had said to them; and they prepared the passover.

14 And when came the hour, he reclined, and the twelve apostles with him.