Mateus 14

13 And having heard the Jesus, withdrew from thence in a ship into a desert place by himself; and having heard the crowds, they followed him by land from the cities.

14 And coming out the Jesus saw great a crowd; and he was moved with pity towards them, and healed the sick of them.

15 Evening and having come, came to him the disciples of him, saying: A desert is the place, and the hour has passed by; dismiss the crowds, that going into the villages, they may buy themselves victuals.

16 The but Jesus said to them: No need they have to go away; give to them you to eat.

17 They and say to him: Not we have here, except five loaves and two fishes,

18 He and said: Bring to me them here.

19 And directing the crowds to recline upon the grass, taking the five loaves, and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, he gave praise; and breaking, he gave to the disciples the loaves, the and disciples to the crowds.

20 And they ate all, and were filled; and they took up the over and above of the fragments, twelve baskets full.

21 Those and eating were men about fivethousand, besides women and children.