1 THE RECORD of the generation of Jeshu the Meshicha, the son of David, son of Abraham.

2 Abraham begat Ishok, Ishok begat Jakub, Jakub begat Jehuda and his brethren,

3 Jehuda begat Pharets and Zoroch from Thomar. Pharets begat Hetsron, Hetsron begat Arom,

4 Arom begat Aminodob, Aminodob begat Nachshun, Nachshun begat Salmun,

5 Salmun begat Booz from Rochab, Booz begat Ubid from Ruth, Ubid begat Ishai,

6 Ishai begat David the king; David begat Shelemun from the wife of Uria;

7 Shelemun begat Rehebaam, Rehebaam begat Abia, Abia begat Asa,

8 Asa begat Johushaphat, Johushaphat begat Jurom, Jurom begat Uzia,

9 Uzia begat Juthom, Juthom begat Ahaz, Ahaz begat Hezakia,

10 Hezakia begat Menasha, Menasha begat Amun, Amun begat Jushia,

11 Jushia begat Jukania and his brethren at the exile of Bobel.

12 And after the exile of Bobel Jukania begat Shalathiel, Shalathiel begat Zurbobel,

13 Zurbobel begat Abiud, Abiud begat Aliakim, Aliakim begat Ozur,

14 Ozur begat Zoduk, Zoduk begat Akin, Akin begat Aliud,

15 Aliud begat Aliozar, Aliozar begat Mathan, Mathan begat Jakub,

16 Jakub begat Jauseph, husband of Mariam, of whom was born JESHU who is called the Meshicha.

17 Thus all the generations from Abraham to David (were) fourteen generations; and from David to the exile of Bobel, fourteen generations; and from the exile of Bobel to the Meshicha, fourteen generations.