27 And as he went out to land, there met him a certaine man out of the citie, which had deuils long time, and he ware no garment, neither abode in house, but in the graues. 28 And when he sawe Iesus, he cryed out and fell downe before him, and with a loude voyce sayd, What haue I to doe with thee, Iesus the Sonne of God the most High? I beseech thee torment me not. 29 For he commanded ye foule spirit to come out of the man: (for oft times he had caught him: therefore he was bound with chaines, and kept in fetters: but he brake the bands, and was caried of the deuill into wildernesses.) 30 Then Iesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? and he sayd, Legion, because many deuils were entred into him. 31 And they besought him, that he would not commaund them to goe out into the deepe. 32 And there was there by, an hearde of many swine, feeding on an hill: and the deuils besought him, that he would suffer them to enter into them. So he suffered them. 33 Then went the deuils out of the man, and entred into the swine: and the hearde was caried with violence from a steepe downe place into the lake, and was choked. 34 When the heardmen sawe what was done, they fled: and when they were departed, they tolde it in the citie and in the countrey. 35 Then they came out to see what was done, and came to Iesus, and found the man, out of whom the deuils were departed, sitting at the feete of Iesus, clothed, and in his right minde: and they were afrayd.