Marcos 10

46 Then they came to Iericho: and as he went out of Iericho with his disciples, and a great multitude, Bartimeus the sonne of Timeus, a blinde man, sate by the wayes side, begging. 47 And when hee heard that it was Iesus of Nazareth, he began to crye, and to say, Iesus the Sonne of Dauid, haue mercy on me. 48 And many rebuked him, because he should holde his peace: but hee cryed much more, O Sonne of Dauid, haue mercy on me. 49 Then Iesus stood still, and commanded him to be called: and they called the blind, saying vnto him, Be of good comfort: arise, he calleth thee. 50 So he threwe away his cloke, and rose, and came to Iesus. 51 And Iesus answered, and said vnto him, What wilt thou that I doe vnto thee? And the blinde sayd vnto him, Lord, that I may receiue sight. 52 Then Iesus sayde vnto him, Goe thy way: thy fayth hath saued thee. And by and by, he receiued his sight, and folowed Iesus in the way.