
1 Who is this coming from Bozrah in Edom with his clothes stained bright red? Who is this dressed in splendor, going forward with great strength? It is I, Jehovah! I am coming to announce my victory. I am powerful enough to save you!

2 Why are your clothes red and your garments like those who trample grapes in a winepress?

3 »I have trampled alone in the winepress. No one was with me. In my anger I trampled on people. In my wrath I stomped on them. Their blood splattered my clothes so all my clothing has been stained.

4 »The day of vengeance was in my heart. The year for my reclaiming you has come.

5 »I looked, but there was no help. I was astounded that there was no outside support. So my own arm power brought me salvation. My anger supported me.

6 »In my wrath I trampled on people. In my rage I made them drunk and poured their blood on the ground.«

7 I will acknowledge Jehovah’s acts of loving-kindness, and sing the praises of Jehovah, because of everything that Jehovah has done for us. He has done many good things for the nation of Israel because of his compassion and the abundance of his loving-kindness.

8 He said: They are my people, sons who will not lie to me. So he became their Savior.

9 In all their difficulty he was concerned, and he was the messenger who saved them. In his love and compassion he reclaimed redeemed them. He always held them and carried them in the past.

10 But they rebelled and grieved offended and hurt his Holy Spirit. So he turned against them as their enemy. He fought against them.

11 His people finally remembered Moses and the days of old. Where is the one who brought them out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is the one who put his Holy Spirit in the midst of them?

12 Where is the one who sent his powerful arm to support the right hand of Moses? Where is the one who divided the water in front of them to make an everlasting name for himself?

13 Where is the one who led them through the deep water? Like horses in the wilderness, they did not stumble.

14 Just like animals going down into a valley, they were given rest by Jehovah’s Spirit. In this way you guided your people to make an honored name for yourself.

15 Look down and see from heaven, from your holy and beautiful dwelling. Where is your determination zeal and might? Where is the longing of your heart and your compassion? Do not hold back.

16 You are our Father. Even though Abraham does not know us and Israel does not pay attention to us, O Jehovah, you are our Father. Your name is our Defender From Everlasting.

17 O Jehovah, why do you let us wander from your ways and become so stubborn that we are unable to respect you? Return for the sake of your servants. They are the tribes that belong to you.

18 Your holy people possessed the land for a little while. Our enemies have trampled on your holy place.

19 We have become like those whom you never ruled, like those who are not called by your name.