Marcos 6

35 Late in the day his disciples approached him. They said: »The day is almost over and we are in a secluded place.

36 »Send them away that they may go to the country and villages nearby and buy themselves something to eat.«

37 He replied: »You give them food to eat.« They asked: »Should we buy two hundred shillings worth of bread to feed them?«

38 He said« »Find out how many loaves you have? When they knew they said« »Five loaves and two fishes.«

39 He commanded them to sit down by groups upon the green grass.

40 They sat down in groups of hundreds, and fifties.

41 Then he looked up to heaven and blessed the food. He took the five loaves and the two fishes, and broke the loaves into pieces and gave them to his disciples. He also divided the two fishes. He gave the food to his disciples to serve to the people.

42 They all ate and were filled.

43 They collected twelve baskets full of broken pieces of bread and fishes.

44 Five thousand men ate.