
1 Jehovah commanded Moses:

2 »Instruct the Israelites to present to God at the appointed time the required food offerings that are pleasing to him.

3 »‘These are the food offerings that are to be presented to Jehovah: for the daily burnt offering, two one-year-old male lambs without any defects.

4 »‘Offer the first lamb in the morning, and the second in the evening,

5 each with a grain offering of two pounds of flour, mixed with two pints of the best olive oil.

6 »‘This is the daily offering that is completely burned. It was first offered at Mount Sinai as a food offering, an odor pleasing to Jehovah.

7 »‘As the wine offering with the first lamb, pour out at the altar two pints of wine.

8 »‘Offer the second lamb in the evening in the same way as the morning offering, together with its wine offering. It also is a food offering, an odor pleasing to Jehovah.

9 »‘On the Sabbath day offer two one-year-old male lambs without any defects, four pounds of flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering, and the wine offering.

10 »‘This burnt offering is to be offered every Sabbath in addition to the daily offering with its wine offering.

11 »‘At the beginning of each of your months you shall present a burnt offering to Jehovah: two bulls and one ram, seven male lambs one year old without defect.

12 »‘With each bull there will be a grain offering of twenty-four cups of flour mixed with olive oil, with each ram a grain offering of sixteen cups of flour mixed with olive oil.

13 »‘With each one-year-old lamb a grain offering of eight cups of flour mixed with olive oil. This is a burnt offering, a soothing aroma, an offering by fire to Jehovah.

14 »‘The wine offering that goes with each bull will be two quarts of wine, with each ram one and one half quarts of wine, and with each lamb one quart of wine. This will be the monthly burnt offering for every month of the year.

15 »‘In addition to the daily burnt offering with its wine offering, one male goat must be offered to Jehovah as an offering for sin.

16 »‘Jehovah’s Passover is the fourteenth day of the first month.

17 »‘The feast of unleavened bread in the fifteenth of this same month. For seven days you must eat only unleavened bread.

18 »‘There will be a holy assembly on the first day. Do not do any regular work.

19 »‘Instead, bring Jehovah an offering by fire, a burnt offering of two young bulls, one ram, and seven one-year-old lambs, all of them without defects.

20 »‘In addition to them bring grain offerings of flour mixed with olive oil. Bring twenty-four cups for each bull, sixteen cups for each ram,

21 and eight cups for each of the seven lambs.

22 »‘Also bring one male goat as an offering for sin to pay compensation for wrongdoing and make peace with Jehovah.

23 »‘Offer these in addition to the morning burnt offering.

24 »‘Bring all these offerings on each of the seven days. They are food. They are offerings by fire, a soothing aroma to Jehovah. They will be offered in addition to the daily burnt offering and the wine offering that goes with it.

25 »‘On the seventh day you must have a holy assembly. You must not do any regular work.

26 »‘During the Festival of Weeks, you must have a holy assembly. On that day you must not do any regular work. Bring Jehovah your new grain offering, the first produce harvested from your fields.

27 »‘Offer a burnt offering as an odor pleasing to Jehovah: two young bulls, one ram, and seven one-year-old male lambs, all without any defects.

28 »‘Offer the proper grain offering of flour mixed with olive oil: six pounds with each bull, four pounds with the ram,

29 and two pounds with each lamb.

30 »‘Offer one male goat as a sin offering. In this way perform the ritual of purification for the people.

31 »‘Offer these and the wine offering in addition to the daily burnt offering and grain offering.