
1 Do not give glory to us, O Jehovah. Do not give glory to us. Give glory to your name because of your loving kindness and faithfulness.

2 Why should other nations say: »Where is their God?«

3 Our God is in heaven. He does whatever he pleases.

4 Their idols are made of silver and gold. Human hands made them.

5 They have mouths, but they cannot speak. They have eyes, but they cannot see.

6 They have ears, but they cannot hear. They have noses, but they cannot smell.

7 They have hands, but they cannot feel. They have feet, but they cannot walk. They cannot even make a sound with their throats.

8 Those who make idols end up like them. So does everyone who trusts them.

9 O Israel, trust Jehovah. He is your helper and your shield.

10 O Descendants of Aaron, trust Jehovah. He is your helper and your shield.

11 If you reverence and respect Jehovah, trust Jehovah. He is your helper and your shield.

12 Jehovah is always thinking about us. He will bless us. He will bless the descendants of Israel. He will bless the descendants of Aaron.

13 He will bless those who reverence and respect Jehovah, from the least important to the most important.

14 May Jehovah continue to bless you and your children.

15 Jehovah, the maker of heaven and earth, will bless you.

16 The highest heaven belongs to Jehovah, but he has given the earth to the sons of men.

17 Those who are dead do not praise Jehovah, nor do those who go into the silence of the grave.

18 We will bless Jehovah now and forever. Praise Jehovah!