
1 To be boasting, is needful,it is not, indeed, profitable, yet will I come to visions and revelations of Lord:

2 I know a man in Christ, who, fourteen years ago, whether in the body, I know not, or out of the body, I know not, God, knoweth, such a one as this, caught away, as far as the third heaven;

3 And I know such a man as this, whether in the body or apart from the body, I know not ,God, knoweth,

4 How that he was caught away into paradise, and heard unspeakable things, which it is not allowable for a man to utter:

5 On behalf of such a one as this, will I boast, but, on behalf of myself, will I not boast, save in my weaknesses;

6 Although in fact, if I should wish to boast, I shall not be foolish, for, the truth, would I speak; but I forbear, lest anyone, unto me, should reckon above what he beholdeth me , or heareth from me,even by the exceeding greatness of the revelations.

7 Wherefore, lest I should be unduly lifted up, there was given to me a thorn o in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, that he might buffet me,lest I should be unduly lifted up.

8 In this behalf, thrice, besought I, the Lord, that it might depart from me;

9 And at once he said unto meSufficient for thee, is my favour, for, my power, in weakness, is made complete. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may spread a tent over me.

10 Wherefore, I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, and straits, in behalf of Christ; for, as soon as I am weak, then, am powerful.

11 I have become foolish,ye, compelled me:I, in fact, ought, by you, to have been commended; for, not a whit, have I come behind the exceeding overmuch apostles,even if I am nothing:

12 The signs, indeed, of an apostle, were wrought out among you, in all endurance, both in signs, and wonders, and mighty works:

13 For what is there wherein ye were made inferior to the rest of the assemblies,save that, I myself, would not allow myself to be a burden unto you? Forgive me this wrong!

14 Lo! this third time, I am holding myself, in readiness, to come unto you, and I will not allow myself to be a burden; for I seek not yours, but you;for, the children, ought not to lay up, for the parents, but the parents for the children;

15 And, I, most gladly, will spend, and be fully spent, for your souls:If I, exceedingly, love you, am I, the less, loved?

16 But let it be!I, myself, did not burden you,Notwithstanding, being crafty, with guile, I caught you?

17 Was there, anyone of those whom I have sent unto you, through whom I have overreached you?

18 I exhorted Titus, and sent with him the brother,Did, Titus, overreach you? Was it not, in the same spirit, we walked? Was it not, in the same steps?

19 All this time, think ye, that, unto you, we are making a defence? Before God in Christ, we speak;but all these things, beloved, for your upbuilding.

20 For I fearlest, by any means, when I come, not such as I wish, should I find you, and, I, should be found by you, such as ye do not wish;lest, by any means, strife, jealousy, outbursts of wrath, factions, railings, whisperings, puffed up pretensions, confusions;

21 Lest, when I again come, my God should humble me in regard to you,and I should grieve over many who had before sinned, and not repented of the impurity, and fornication, and wantonness which they had committed.