11 Then spake Yahweh unto Mosessaying,
12 I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel,speak unto them, sayingBetween the two evenings, shall ye eat flesh, and in the morning, shall ye be filled with bread,so shall ye know that I Yahweh am your God.
13 And it came to pass, in the evening, that there came up quail, and covered the camp,and in the morning was the outpouring of dew, round about the camp;
14 and when the outpouring of dew went up, then lo! on the face of the desert, a thin flake, thin as hoar-frost on the earth,
15 And when the sons of Israel saw it they said one to anotherWhat is that? For they knew not what "that" was. Then said Moses unto them, "That" is the bread which Yahweh hath given you to eat.