
1 Yahweh, hath become king, Let the peoples, tremble, He is enthroned on the cherubim, Let the earth, shake.

2 Yahweh, in Zion, is great, And, high, is he over all the peoples.

3 Let them thank his Namegreat and reverend, Holy, is he!

4 Yea, with the strength of a kingjustice, he loveth,Thou, hast established equity, Justice and righteousness in Jacob, thou, hast wrought.

5 Exalt Yahweh our God, And bow down at his footstool, Holy, is he!

6 Moses and Aaron, among them who were calling upon his Name, Who were calling upon Yahweh, and, he, used to answer them:

7 In the pillar of cloud, used he to speak unto them, They kept his testimonies, and the statute he gave them.

8 O Yahweh our God! thou, answeredst them,A pardoning GOD, thou becamest to them, Yet one bringing vengeance on their deeds.

9 Exalt Yahweh our God, And bow down towards his holy mountain, For, holy, is Yahweh our God.