
1 I exhorte therfore that above all thynges prayers supplicacions intercessions and gevynge of thankes behad for all men:

2 for kynges and for all that are in auctorite that we maye live a quyet and a peasable life in all godlines and honestie.

3 For that is good and accepted in the sight of god oure savioure

4 which will have all men saved and to come vnto the knowledge of ye trueth.

5 For ther is one god and one (mediator) bitwene god and man which is ye man Christ Iesus

6 which gave him silfe a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his tyme

7 wherevnto I am ordayned a preacher and an apostle: I tell the trueth in Christ and lye not beynge the teacher of the gentyls in fayth and veritie.

8 I wyll therfore that the men praye every where liftynge vp pure hondes without wrath or dowtinge.

9 Lykwyse also the wemen that they araye them selves in comlye aparell with shamfastnes and discrete behaveour not with broyded heare other golde or pearles or costly araye:

10 but with suche as becometh wemen that professe the worshippynge of God thorow good workes.

11 Let the woman learne in silence with all subieccion.

12 I suffre not a woman to teache nether to have auctoricie over a man: but forto be in silence.

13 For Adam was fyrst formed and then Eve.

14 Also Adam was not deceaved but the woman was deceaved and was in transgression.

15 Notwithstondynge thorow bearinge of chyldre they shalbe saved so they continue in fayth love and holynes with discrecion.