
1 Paul Syluanus and Timotheus. Vnto the congregacion of the Tessalonyans in God the father and in ye Lorde Iesus Christ.Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.

2 We geve God thakes all waye for you all makinge mension of you in oure prayers

3 with out ceasynge and call to remembraunce youre worke in the faythe and labour in love and perseveraunce in the hope of oure lorde Iesus Christ in the sight of God oure father:

4 because we knowe brethren beloved of god how yt ye are electe.

5 For oure gospell came not vnto you in worde only but also in power and also in the holy gost and in moche certayntie as ye knowe after what maner we behaued oure selves amonge you for youre sakes.

6 And ye became folowers of vs and of the lord and receaved the worde in moche affliccion with ioye of the holy gost:

7 so that ye were an ensample to all that beleve in Macedonia and Achaia.

8 For from you sounded out the worde of the lorde not in Macedonia and in Achaia only: but youre fayth also which ye have vnto god spred her silfe abroade in all quartars so greatly that it nedeth not vs to speake eny thynge at all.

9 For they the selves shewe of you what maner of entrynge in we had vnto you and how ye tourned to God from ymages for to serve the livynge and true god

10 and for to loke for his sonne from heven whom he raysed from deeth: I mean Iesus which delivereth vs from wrath to come.