18 Yf any man haue a sonne that is stuburne, and disobedient, that he will not herken vnto the voyce of his father and voyce of his mother, and they haue taught him nurture, but he wolde not herken vnto them:
19 Then let his father and his mother take him and brynge hym out vnto the elders of that citie and vnto the gate of that same place,
20 ad saye vnto the elders of the citie. This oure sonne is stoburne and disobedient and will not herken vnto oure voyce, he is a ryoter and a dronkarde.
21 Then let all the men of that citie stone him with stones vnto deeth. And so thou shalt put euell awaye from the, and all Israel shall heare and feare.