13 Yf a man take a wyfe and when he hath lyen with her hate her
14 ad leye shamefull thinges vnto hyr charge and brynge vp an euell name vppon her and saye: I toke this wyfe, and whe I came to her, I founde her not a mayde:
15 The let the father of the damsell and the mother brynge forth the tokens of the damsels virginite, vnto the elders of the citie, euen vnto the gate.
16 And let the damsels father saye vnto the elders, I gaue my doughter vnto this man to wife and he hateth her:
17 and loo, he layeth shamefull thinges vnto hir charge saynge, I founde not thy doughter a mayde. And yet these ar the tokens of my doughters virginite. And let them sprede the vesture before the elders off the citie.