
1 Paul an Apostle of Iesu Christ by the will of God. To the saynctes which are at Ephesus and to them which beleve on Iesus Christ.

2 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.

3 Blessed be God the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessinges in hevely thynges by Chryst

4 accordynge as he had chosen vs in him before ye foudacio of ye worlde was layde that we shuld be saintes and without blame before him thorow loue.

5 And ordeyned vs before thorow Iesus Christ to be heyres vnto him silfe accordinge to the pleasure of his will

6 to ye prayse of the glorie of his grace where with he hath made vs accepted in the beloved.

7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace

8 which grace he shed on vs aboundantly in all wisdome and perceavaunce.

9 And hath openned vnto vs the mistery of his will accordinge to his pleasure and purposed the same in hym silfe

10 to have it declared when the tyme were full come yt all thynges bothe ye thynges which are in heven and also the thynges which are in erthe shuld be gaddered togedder even in Christ:

11 that is to saye in him in whom we are made heyres and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of him which worketh all thinges after the purpose of his awne will:

12 that we which before beleved in Christ shuld be vnto the prayse of his glory.

13 In whom also ye (after that ye hearde the worde of trueth I meane the gospell of youre saluacio wherin ye beleved) were sealed with the holy sprete of promes

14 which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce to redeme the purchased possession and that vnto the laude of his glory.

15 Wherfore even I (after that I hearde of the fayth which ye have in the lorde Iesu and love vnto all the saynctes)

16 cease not to geve thankes for you makynge mencion of you in my prayers

17 that ye God of oure lorde Iesus Christ and the father of glory myght geve vnto you the sprete of wisdome and open to you the knowledge of him silfe

18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes

19 and what is the excedynge greatnes of his power to vs warde which beleve accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power

20 which he wrought in Christ when he raysed him from deeth and set him on his right honde in hevenly thynges

21 above all rule power and myght and dominacion and above all names that are named not in this worlde only but also in the worlde to come:

22 and hath put all thynges vnder his fete and hath made him aboue all thynges ye heed of ye congregacion

23 which is his body and the fulnes of him that filleth all in all thynges.