Êxodo 16

1 And they toke their yourney fro Elim, and all the hole copanye of the childern of Israell came to the wildernesse of Sin, which lieth betwene Elim ad Sinai: the .xv. daye of the seconde moneth after that they were come out of the lande of Egipte.

2 And the hole multitude of the childern of Israel murmured agaynst Moses ad Aaro in the wildernesse

3 and sayde vnto them: wold to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egipte, when we satt by the flessh pottes and ate bred oure belies full for ye haue broughte vs out in to this wildernesse to kyll this hole multitude for honger.

4 Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses: beholde, I will rayne bred fro heaue doune to you, ad let the people goo out ad gather daye by daye, that I maye proue the whether they wil walke in my lawe or no.

5 The .vj. daye let the prepare that which they will brige in, ad let it be twise as moch as they gather in dayly.

6 And Moses ad Aaro sayde vnto all the childere of Israel: at euen he shall knowe that it is the Lorde, which broughte you out of the lade of Egipte

7 ad in the mornynge ye shall se the glorie of the Lorde: because he hath herde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: for what are we that ye shuld murmure against vs.

8 And moreouer spake Moses. At eue the Lorde will geue you flesh to eate ad in the mornynge bred ynough, because the Lord hath herde youre murmur whiche ye murmur agaynst hi: for what ar we? youre murmurynge is not agaynst vs, but agaynst the Lorde.

9 And Moses spake vnto Aaro: Say vnto all the copanye of the childere of Israel, come forth before the Lorde, for he hath herde youre grudgiges.

10 And as Aaro spake vnto the hole multitude of the childere of Israel, they loked toward the wilderuesse: ad beholde, the glorie of the Lord apeared i a clowde.

11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayng:

12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god

13 And at eue the quayles came ad couered the groude where they laye. And in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the hoste.

14 And whe the dewe was falle: behold, it laye apo the grounde in the wildernesse, small ad roude ad thyn as the hore frost on the groude.

15 when the childre of Israel sawe it, they sayde one to another: what is this? for they wist not what it was And Moses sayde: this is the breed which the Lorde hath geue you to eate.

16 This is the thinge which the Lord hath comauded, that ye gather euery ma ynough for hi to eate: a gomer full for a ma acordige to the nobre off you, ad gather euery ma for the which are in his tente.

17 And the childern of Israel dyd euen so, ad gathered some more some lesse,

18 and dyd mete it with a gomer. And vnto him that had gathered moch remayned nothinge ouer, ad vnto hi that had gathered litle was there no lacke: but euery ma had gathered sufficiet for his eatinge.

19 And Moses sayde vnto them. Se that no ma let oughte remayne of it tyll the morninge.

20 Notwithstondinge they harkened not vnto Moses: but some of the lefte of it vntyll the mornynge, and it waxte full of wormes ad stake and Moses was angrie wyth them.

21 And they gathered it all morniges: euery ma as moch as suffised for his eatinge, for as sone as the hete of the sonne came it moulte.

22 And the .vj. daye they gathered twise so moch bred: ij. gomers for one ma, ad the ruelars of the multitude came ad tolde Moses.

23 And he sayde unto the, this is that which the Lorde hath sayde tomorow is the Sabbath of the holie rest of the Lord: bake that which ye will bake ad seth that ye will seth, ad that which remayneth lay vp for you ad kepe it till the mornynge.

24 And they layde it vp till the mornynge as Moses bad ad it stake not nether was there any wormes theri

25 And Moses sayde: that eate this daye: for to daye it is the Lordes Sabbath: to daye ye shal finde none in the feld,

26 Sixte dayes ye shall gather it, for the, vij. is the sabbath: there shal be none there in.

27 Notwithstondinge there went out of the people in the seuenth daye for to gather: but they founde none.

28 The the Lorde seyde vnto Moses: how longe shall it be, yer ye will kepe my comaundmetes ad lawes?

29 Se because the Lorde hath geue you a Sabbath, therfor he geueth you the .vj. daye bred for .ij. dayes. Byde therfore euery ma athome, ad let no ma go out of his place the seuenth daye.

30 And the people rested the seuenth daye.

31 And the housse of Israel called it Man, And it was lyke vnto Coriander seed and white, and the taste of it was lyke vnto wafers made with honye.

32 And Moses sayde: this is that which the Lorde commaundeth: fyll a Gomor of it, that it maye be kepte for youre childern after you: that they maye se the bred wherewith he fedd you in wyldernesse, when he had broughte you out of the lande of Egipte.

33 And Moses spake vnto Aaron: take a cruse and put a Gomer full of man therin, and laye it vppe before the Lorde to be kepte for youre childern after you

34 as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And Aaron layed it vppe before the testimonye there to be kepte.

35 And the childern of Israel ate man .xl. yere vntill they came vnto a lande inhahited. And so they ate Man, euen vntill they came vnto the bordres of the lade of Canaan,

36 And a Gomer is the tenth parte of an Epha.