11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayng:
12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god
13 And at eue the quayles came ad couered the groude where they laye. And in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the hoste.
14 And whe the dewe was falle: behold, it laye apo the grounde in the wildernesse, small ad roude ad thyn as the hore frost on the groude.
15 when the childre of Israel sawe it, they sayde one to another: what is this? for they wist not what it was And Moses sayde: this is the breed which the Lorde hath geue you to eate.