5 And the LORde came downe to see the cyte and the toure which the childern of Ada had buylded.
6 And the LORde sayd: See the people is one and haue one tonge amonge them all. And thys haue they begon to do and wyll not leaue of from all that they haue purposed to do.
7 Come on let vs descende and myngell theire tonge even there that one vnderstonde not what a nother sayeth.
8 Thus ye LORde skatered them from thence vppon all the erth. And they left of to buylde the cyte.
9 Wherfore the name of it is called Babell because that the LORDE there confounded the tonge of all the world. And because that the LORde from thence skatered them abrode vppon all the erth.