1 After that Iesus shewed him selfe agayne at the see of Tyberias. And on this wyse shewed he him selfe.

2 There were to geder Simon Peter and Thomas which is called Didymus: and Nathanael of Cana a citie of Galile and the sonnes of Zebedei and two other of the disciples.

3 Simon Peter sayde vnto them: I goo a fysshynge. They sayde vnto him: we also will goo with the. They wet their waye and entred into a shippe strayght waye and that nyght caught they nothinge.

4 But when the mornynge was now come Iesus stode on the shore: neverthelesse the disciples knewe not yt it was Iesus.

5 Iesus sayde vnto the: syrs have ye eny meate? They answered him no.

6 And he sayde vnto them: cast out ye net on the ryght syde of the ship and ye shall fynde. They cast out and anone they were not able to drawe it for ye multitude of fysshes

7 Then sayde the disciple whom Iesus loved vnto Peter: It is the Lorde. When Simon Peter hearde that it was ye lorde he gyrde his mantell to him (for he was naked) and sprange into the see

8 The other disciples came by ship: for they were not farre from londe but as it were two hondred cubites and they drewe the net with fysshes.

9 Assone as they were come to londe they sawe hoot coles and fysshe layd ther on and breed.

10 Iesus sayde vnto them: bringe of the fysshe which ye have now caught.

11 Simon Peter stepped forthe and drewe the net to londe full of greate fysshes an hondred and .liii. And for all ther were so many yet was not the net broken.