46 And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lorde.

47 And my sprete reioyseth in god my savioure

48 For he hath loked on the povre degre of his honde mayde. Beholde now from hence forth shall all generacions call me blessed.

49 For he that is myghty hath done to me greate thinges and holye is his name.

50 And his mercy is on them that feare him thorow oute all generacions.

51 He sheweth strength with his arme he scattereth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hertes.

52 He putteth doune the myghty from their seates and exalteth them of lowe degre.

53 He filleth the hongry with good thinges: and sendeth awaye the ryche emptye.

54 He remenbreth mercy: and helpeth his servaunt Israel.

55 Even as he promised to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for ever.