Lucas 22

7 Then came ye daye of swete breed when of necessite the esterlambe must be offered.

8 And he sent Peter and Iohn sayinge: Goo and prepare vs the ester lambe that we maye eate.

9 They sayde to him. Where wilt thou yt we prepare?

10 And he sayd vnto them. Beholde when ye be entred into the cite ther shall a man mete you bearinge a pitcher of water him folowe into the same housse yt he entreth in

11 and saye vnto ye good ma of ye housse. The master sayeth vnto ye: where is ye gest chamber where I shall eate myne ester lambe wt my disciples?

12 And he shall shew you a greate parloure paved. Ther make redy.

13 And they wet and foude as he had sayd vnto the: and made redy ye ester lambe.

14 And when the houre was come he sate doune and the twelve Apostles with him.