33 And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary there they crucified him and the evyll doers one on ryght honde and the other on the lefte.
34 Then sayde Iesus: father forgeve them for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment and cast loottes.
35 And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with thee saying: he holpe other men let him helpe him selfe yf he be Christ the chosen of god.
36 The soudiers also mocked him and came and gave him veneger
37 and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of ye Iewes save thy silfe.
38 And his superscripcio was writte over him in greke in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes.
39 And one of the evyll doers which hanged rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ save thy selfe and vs.
40 The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Net herfearest thou god because thou arte in the same damnacion?
41 We are ryghteously punesshed for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse.
42 And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome.
43 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.