
6 Se that ye goo to none of youre nyghest kynred for to vncouer their secrettes, for I am the Lorde.

7 The secrettes of thy father and thy mother, se thou vnheale not: she is thy mother, therfore shalt thou not discouer hir secrettes.

8 The secrettes of thy fathers wife shalt thou not discouer, for they are thy fathers secrettes.

9 Thou shalt not discouer the preuyte of thy syster, the doughter of thy father or of thy mother: whether she be borne at home or without.

10 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy sonnes doughter or thy doughters doughter, for that is thyne awne preuyte:

11 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy fathers wyues doughter, which she bare to thy father, for she is thy suster: thou shalt therfore not discouer hir secrettes.

12 Thou shalt not vncouer the secrettes off thy fathers syster, for she is thy fathers nexte kyn.

13 Thou shalt not dyscouer the secrettes off thy mothers syster, for she is thy mothers nexte kyn.

14 Thou shalt not open the secrettes of thy fathers brother: that is thou shalt not goo in to his wife, for she is thyne awnte.

15 Thou shalt not discouer the secrettes of thy doughter in lawe she is thy sonnes wyfe: therfore vncouer not hir secrettes.

16 Thou shalt not vnheale the secrettes of thy brothers wife, for that is thy brothers preuyte.

17 Thou shalt not discouer the preuytes of the wife ad hir doughter also, nether shalt thou take hir sonnes doughter or hir doughters doughter to vncouer their secrettes: they are hir nexte kyn, it were therfore wikydnesse.

18 Thou shalt not take a wife and hir sister thereto, to vexe hir that thou woldest open hir secrettes as longe as she lyueth.

19 Thou shalt not goo vnto a woman to open hir secrettes, as longe as she is put aparte for hir vnclennesse.

20 Thou shalt not lye with thy neghbours wife, to defyle thi selfe with her.

21 Thou shalt not geue of thi seed to offer it vnto Moloch, that thou defile not the name of thi God, for I am the Lorde.

22 Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for that is abominacion.

23 Thou shalt lye with no maner of beeste to defile thy selfe therewith, nether shall any woman stonde before a beest to lye doune thereto, for that is abhominacion.