3 And there came vnto him that brought one sicke of the palsie borne of fower men.

4 And because they coulde not come nye vnto him for preace they vncovered ye rofe of the housse where he was. And when they had broken it ope they let doune ye beed where in ye sicke of the palsie laye.

5 When Iesus sawe their fayth he sayde to the sicke of the palsie sonne thy sinnes are forgeven the.

6 And ther were certayne of ye scribes sittinge there and reasoninge in their hertes:

7 how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes but God only?

8 And immediatly whe Iesus perceaved in his sprete yt they so reasoned in the selves he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thinges in youre hertes?

9 Whether is it easyer to saye to ye sicke of ye palsie thy synnes are forgeven the or to saye aryse take vp thy beed and walke?

10 That ye maye knowe yt the sonne of man hath power in erth to forgeve synnes he spake vnto ye sicke of the palsie:

11 I saye vnto ye aryse and take vp thy beed and get ye hense into thyne awne housse.

12 And by and by he arose toke vp the beed and went forth before them all: in so moche that they were all amased and glorified God sayinge: we never sawe it on this fassion.