Mateus 4

1 Then was Iesus ledd awaye of ye spirite into wildernes to be tempted of ye devyll.

2 And when he had fasted fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes he was afterward an hungred.

3 Then came to hym the tempter and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made breed.

4 He answered and sayde: yt is wrytten man shall not lyve by brede onlye but by every worde yt proceadeth out of the mouth of God.

5 Then the devyll tooke hym vp into ye holy cite and set hym on a pynacle of the teple

6 and sayd vnto hym: yf thou be the sonne of God cast thy sylfe doune. For it is wrytte he shall geve his angels charge over the and with their handes they shall holde yt vp that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone.

7 And Iesus sayde to hym it ys wrytten also: Thou shalt not tempte thy Lorde God.

8 The devyll toke hym vp agayne and ledde hym in to an excedynge hye mountayne and shewed hym all the kyngdomes of ye worlde and all ye glorie of them

9 and sayde to hym: all these will I geue ye if thou wilt faull doune and worship me.

10 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym. Avoyd Satan. For it is writte thou shalt worshyp ye Lorde thy God and hym only shalt thou serve.

11 Then the dyvell left hym and beholde the angels came and ministred vnto hym.