
11 Then I saw a door open in Heaven, and a white horse appeared. Its rider was named »Faithful and True« –being One who in righteousness acts as Judge, and makes war.

12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many kingly crowns; and He has a name written upon Him which no one but He Himself knows.

13 The outer garment in which He is clad has been dipped in blood and His name is THE WORD OF GOD.

14 The armies in Heaven followed Him–mounted on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and spotless.

15 From His mouth there comes a sharp sword with which He will smite the nations; and He will Himself be their Shepherd, ruling them with a scepter of iron; and it is His work to tread the winepress of the fierce anger of God, the Ruler of all.

16 And on His outer garment and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.