
1 And Y sai, and lo! lomb stood on the mount of Sion, and with hym an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, hauynge his name, and the name of his fadir writun in her forhedis.

2 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, as the vois of many watris, and as the vois of a greet thundur; and the vois which is herd, was as of many harperis harpinge in her harpis.

3 And thei sungun as a newe song bifor the seete of God, and bifore the foure beestis, and senyouris. And no man miyte seie the song, but thei an hundrid thousynde and foure and fourti thousynde, that ben bouyt fro the erthe.

4 These it ben, that ben not defoulid with wymmen; for thei ben virgyns. These suen the lomb, whidir euer he schal go; these ben bouyt of alle men, the firste fruytis to God, and to the lomb;

5 and in the mouth of hem lesyng is not foundun; for thei ben with out wem bifor the trone of God.

6 And Y say another aungel, fliynge bi the myddil of heuene, hauynge an euerlastinge gospel, that he schulde preche to men sittynge on erthe, and on ech folk, and lynage, and langage, and puple;

7 and seide with a greet vois, Drede ye the Lord, and yyue ye to hym onour, for the our of his dom cometh; and worschipe ye hym, that made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in hem, and the wellis of watris.

8 And anothir aungel suede, seiynge, Thilke greet Babiloyne fel doun, fel doun, which yaf drinke to alle folkis of the wyn of wraththe of her fornycacioun.

9 And the thridde aungel suede hem, and seide with a greet vois, If ony man worschipe the beeste, and the ymage of it, and takith the carecter in his forheed, ether in his hoond,

10 this schal drynke of the wyn of Goddis wraththe, that is meynd with clere wyn in the cuppe of his wraththe, and schal be turmentid with fier and brymston, in the siyt of hooli aungels, and bifore the siyt of the lomb.

11 And the smoke of her turmentis schal stie vp in to the worldis of worldis; nether thei han reste dai and niyt, whiche worschipiden the beeste and his ymage, and yf ony man take the carect of his name.

12 Here is the pacience of seyntis, whiche kepen the maundementis of God, and the feith of Jhesu.

13 And Y herde a vois fro heuene, seiynge to me, Write thou, Blessid ben deed men, that dien in the Lord; fro hennus forth now the spirit seith, that thei reste of her traueilis; for the werkis of hem suen hem.

14 And Y say, and lo! a white cloude, and aboue the cloude a sittere, lijk the sone of man, hauynge in his heed a goldun coroun, and in his hond a scharp sikil.

15 And another aungel wente out of the temple, and criede with greet vois to hym that sat on the cloude, Sende thi sikil, and repe, for the our cometh, that it be ropun; for the corn of the erthe is ripe.

16 And he that sat on the cloude, sente his sikil in to the erthe, and rap the erthe.

17 And another aungel wente out of the temple, that is in heuene, and he also hadde a scharp sikile.

18 And another aungel wente out fro the auter, that hadde power on fier and water; and he criede with a greet vois to hym that hadde the scharp sikil, and seide, Sende thi scharp sikil, and kitte awei the clustris of the vynyerd of the erthe, for the grapis of it ben ripe.

19 And the aungel sente his sikil in to the erthe, and gaderide grapis of the vynyerd of the erthe, and sente into the greet lake of Goddis wraththe.

20 And the lake was troddun without the citee, and the blood wente out of the lake til to the `bridels of horsis, bi furlongis a thousynd and six hundrid.