
25 For which thing ye putte awei leesyng, and speke ye treuthe ech man with his neiybore, for we ben membris ech to othere.

26 Be ye wrooth, and nyle ye do synne; the sunne falle not doun on youre wraththe.

27 Nyle ye yyue stide to the deuel.

28 He that stal, now stele he not; but more trauele he in worchinge with hise hondis that that is good, that he haue whereof he schal yyue to nedi.

29 Ech yuel word go not of youre mouth; but if ony is good to the edificacioun of feith, that it yyue grace to men that heren.

30 And nyle ye make the Hooli Goost of God sori, in which ye ben markid in the dai of redempcioun.

31 Al bitternesse, and wraththe, and indignacioun, and cry, and blasfemye be takun awey fro you, with al malice;

32 and be ye togidere benygne, merciful, foryyuynge togidere, as also God foryaf to you in Crist.