
1 Poul the apostle, not of men, ne bi man, but bi Jhesu Crist, and God the fadir,

2 that reiside hym fro deth, and alle the britheren that ben with me, to the chirchis of Galathie,

3 grace to you and pees of God the fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist,

4 that yaf hym silf for oure synnes, to delyuere vs fro the present wickid world, bi the wille of God and of oure fadir,

5 to whom is worschip and glorie in to worldis of worldis. Amen.

6 I wondur, that so soone ye be thus moued fro hym that clepid you in to the grace of Crist, in to another euangelie; which is not anothir,

7 but that ther ben summe that troublen you, and wolen mysturne the euangelie of Crist.

8 But thouy we, or an aungel of heuene, prechide to you, bisidis that that we han prechid to you, be he acursid.

9 As Y haue seid bifore, and now eftsoones Y seie, if ony preche to you bisidis that that ye han vndurfongun, be he cursid.

10 For now whether counsele Y men, or God? or whether Y seche to plese men? If Y pleside yit men, Y were not Cristis seruaunt.

11 For, britheren, Y make knowun to you the euangelie, that was prechid of me, for it is not bi man;

12 ne Y took it of man, ne lernyde, but bi reuelacioun of Jhesu Crist.

13 For ye han herd my conuersacioun sumtyme in the Jurie, and that Y pursuede passyngli the chirche of God, and fauyt ayen it.

14 And Y profitide in the Jurie aboue many of myn eueneldis in my kynrede, and was more aboundauntli a folewere of my fadris tradiciouns.

15 But whanne it pleside hym, that departide me fro my modir wombe,

16 and clepide bi his grace, to schewe his sone in me, that Y schulde preche hym among the hethene, anoon Y drowy me not to fleisch and blood; ne Y cam to Jerusalem to the apostlis,

17 that weren tofor me, but Y wente in to Arabie, and eftsoones Y turnede ayen in to Damask.

18 And sith thre yeer aftir Y cam to Jerusalem, to se Petre, and Y dwellide with hym fiftene daies;

19 but Y sawy noon othere of the apostlis, but James, oure Lordis brother.

20 And these thingis which Y write to you, lo! tofor God Y lie not.

21 Afterward Y cam in to the coostis of Syrie and Cilicie.

22 But Y was vnknowun bi face to the chirchis of Judee, that weren in Crist; and thei hadden oonli an heryng,

23 that he that pursuede vs sum tyme, prechide now the feith, ayens which he fauyte sum tyme;

24 and in me thei glorifieden God.