
5 And ye han foryet the coumfort that spekith to you as to sones, and seith, My sone, nyle thou dispise the teching of the Lord, nether be thou maad weri, the while thou art chastisid of hym.

6 For the Lord chastisith hym that he loueth; he betith euery sone that he resseyueth.

7 Abide ye stille in chastising; God proferith hym to you as to sones. For what sone is it, whom the fadir chastisith not?

8 That if ye ben out of chastising, whos parteneris ben ye alle maad, thanne ye ben auowtreris, and not sones.

9 And aftirward we hadden fadris of oure fleisch, techeris, and we with reuerence dredden hem. Whethir not myche more we schulen obeische to the fadir of spiritis, and we schulen lyue?