1 And the former testament hadde iustefiyngis of worschip, and hooli thing duringe for a tyme.
2 For the tabernacle was maad first, in which weren candilstikis, and boord, and setting forth of looues, which is seid hooli.
3 And after the veil, the secounde tabernacle, that is seid sancta sanctorum, that is, hooli of hooli thingis;
4 hauynge a goldun cenrer, and the arke of the testament, keuered aboute on ech side with gold, in which was a pot of gold hauynge manna, and the yerde of Aaron that florischide, and the tablis of the testament;
5 on whiche thingis weren cherubyns of glorie, ouerschadewinge the propiciatorie; of whiche thingis it is not now to seie bi alle.