
1 Aftir these thingis ther was a feeste dai of Jewis, and Jhesus wente vp to Jerusalem.

2 And in Jerusalem is a waissynge place, that in Ebrew is named Bethsaida, and hath fyue porchis.

3 In these lay a greet multitude of sike men, blynde, crokid, and drie, abidynge the mouyng of the watir.

4 For the aungel of the Lord cam doun certeyne tymes in to the watir, and the watir was moued; and he that first cam doun in to the sisterne, aftir the mouynge of the watir, was maad hool of what euer sijknesse he was holdun.

5 And a man was there, hauynge eiyte and thritti yeer in his sikenesse.

6 And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn hym liggynge, and hadde knowun, that he hadde myche tyme, he seith to hym, Wolt thou be maad hool?

7 The sijk man answerde to hym, Lord, Y haue no man, that whanne the watir is moued, to putte me in to the cisterne; for the while Y come, anothir goith doun bifor me.

8 Jhesus seith to hym, Rise vp, take thi bed, and go.

9 And anoon the man was maad hool, and took vp his bed, and wente forth. And it was sabat in that dai.