Lucas 10

30 And Jhesu biheld, and seide, A man cam doun fro Jerusalem in to Jerico, and fel among theues, and thei robbiden hym, and woundiden hym, and wente awei, and leften the man half alyue.

31 And it bifel, that a prest cam doun the same weie, and passide forth, whanne he hadde seyn hym.

32 Also a dekene, whanne he was bisidis the place, and saiy him, passide forth.

33 But a Samaritan, goynge the weie, cam bisidis hym; and he siy hym, and hadde reuthe on hym;

34 and cam to hym, and boond togidir hise woundis, and helde in oyle and wynne; and leide hym on his beest, and ledde in to an ostrie, and dide the cure of hym.

35 And another dai he brouyte forth twey pans, and yaf to the ostiler, and seide, Haue the cure of hym; and what euer thou schalt yyue ouer, Y schal yelde to thee, whanne Y come ayen.

36 Who of these thre, semeth to thee, was neiybore to hym, that fel among theues?

37 And he seide, He that dide merci in to hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, and do thou on lijk maner.