
31 And the Lord seide, Therfor to whom schal Y seie men of this generacioun lijk, and to whom ben thei lijk?

32 Thei ben lijk to children sittynge in chepyng, and spekynge togider, and seiynge, We han sungun to you with pipis, and ye han not daunsid; we han maad mornyng, and ye han not wept.

33 For Joon Baptist cam, nethir etynge breed, ne drynkynge wyne, and ye seyen, He hath a feend.

34 Mannus sone cam etynge and drynkynge, and ye seien, Lo! a man a deuourer, and drynkynge wyne, a frend of pupplicans and of synful men.

35 And wisdom is iustified of her sones.

36 But oon of the Farisees preiede Jhesu, that he schulde ete with hym. And he entride in to the hous of the Farise, and sat at the mete.

37 And lo! a synful womman, that was in the citee, as sche knewe, that Jhesu sat at the mete in the hous of the Farisee, sche brouyte an alabaustre box of oynement;