
43 And a womman that hadde a flux of blood twelue yeer, and hadde spendid al hir catel in leechis, and sche miyte not be curid of ony,

44 and sche cam nyy bihynde, and touchide the hem of his cloth, and anoon the fluxe of hir blood ceesside.

45 And Jhesus seide, Who is that touchide me? And whanne alle men denyeden, Petre seide, and thei that weren with hym, Comaundour, the puple thristen, and disesen thee, and thou seist, Who touchide me?

46 And Jhesus seide, Summan hath touchid me, for that vertu yede out of me.

47 And the womman seynge, that it was not hid fro hym, cam tremblynge, and fel doun at hise feet, and for what cause sche hadde touchid hym sche schewide bifor al the puple, and hou anoon sche was helid.

48 And he seide to hir, Douytir, thi feith hath maad thee saaf; go thou in pees.