
38 And lo! a man of the cumpany criede, and seide, Maister, Y biseche thee, biholde my sone, for Y haue no mo; and lo!

39 a spirit takith hym, and sudenli he crieth, and hurtlith doun, and to-drawith hym with fome, and vnneth he goith awei al to-drawynge hym.

40 And Y preiede thi disciplis, that thei schulden caste hym out, and thei myyten not.

41 And Jhesus answerde and seide to hem, A! vnfeithful generacioun and weiward, hou long schal Y be at you, and suffre you? brynge hidur thi sone.

42 And whanne he cam nyy, the deuel hurtlide hym doun, and to-braidide hym. And Jhesus blamyde the vnclene spirit, and heelide the child, and yeldide him to his fadir.

43 And alle men wondriden greetli in the gretnesse of God. And whanne alle men wondriden in alle thingis that he dide, he seide to hise disciplis,