
24 And Jhesus roos vp fro thennus, and wente in to the coostis of Tyre and of Sidon. And he yede in to an hous, and wolde that no man wiste; and he myyte not be hid.

25 For a womman, anoon as sche herd of hym, whos douytir hadde an vnclene spirit, entride, and fel doun at hise feet.

26 And the womman was hethen, of the generacioun of Sirofenyce. And sche preiede hym, that he wolde caste out a deuel fro hir douyter.

27 And he seide to hir, Suffre thou, that the children be fulfillid first; for it is not good to take the breed of children, and yyue to houndis.

28 And sche answeride, and seide to him, Yis, Lord; for litil whelpis eten vndur the bord, of the crummes of children.

29 And Jhesus seide to hir, Go thou, for this word the feend wente out of thi douytir.

30 And whanne sche was gon in to hir hous home, sche foonde the damysel ligynge on the bed, and the deuel gon out fro hir.