
15 But whanne the euentid was com, hise disciplis camen to him, and seiden, The place is desert, and the tyme is now passid; lat the puple go in to townes, to bye hem mete.

16 Jhesus seide to hem, Thei han not nede to go; yyue ye hem sumwhat to ete.

17 Thei answeriden, We han not heere, but fyue looues and twei fischis.

18 And he seide to hem, Brynge ye hem hidur to me.

19 And whanne he hadde comaundid the puple to sitte to meete on the heye, he took fyue looues and twei fischis, and he bihelde in to heuene, and blesside, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis; and the disciplis yauen to the puple.

20 And alle eten, and weren fulfillid. And thei tooken the relifs of brokun gobetis, twelue cofynes ful.

21 And the noumbre of men that eten was fyue thousynde of men, outakun wymmen and lytle children.