
28 And whanne Jhesus was comun ouer the watir in to the cuntre of men of Gerasa, twey men metten hym, that hadden deuelis, and camen out of graues, ful woode, so that noo man myyte go bi that weie.

29 And lo! thei crieden, and seiden, What to vs and to thee, Jhesu, the sone of God? art thou comun hidir bifore the tyme to turmente vs?

30 And not fer fro hem was a flocke of many swyne lesewynge.

31 And the deuelis preyeden hym, and seiden, If thou castist out vs fro hennes, sende vs in to the droue of swyne.

32 And he seide to hem, Go ye. And thei yeden out, and wenten in to the swyne; and loo! in a greet bire al the droue wente heedlyng in to the see, and thei weren deed in the watris.

33 And the hirdis fledden awey, and camen in to the citee, and telden alle these thingis, and of hem that hadden the feendis.

34 And lo! al the citee wente out ayens Jhesu; and whanne thei hadden seyn hym, thei preieden, that he wolde passe fro her coostis.