
10 Who schal fynde a stronge womman? the prijs of her is fer, and fro the laste endis.

11 The herte of hir hosebond tristith in hir; and sche schal not haue nede to spuylis.

12 Sche schal yelde to hym good, and not yuel, in alle the daies of hir lijf.

13 Sche souyte wolle and flex; and wrouyte bi the counsel of hir hondis.

14 Sche is maad as the schip of a marchaunt, that berith his breed fro fer.

15 And sche roos bi nyyt, and yaf prey to hir meyneals, and metis to hir handmaidis.

16 Sche bihelde a feeld, and bouyte it; of the fruyt of hir hondis sche plauntide a vyner.

17 Sche girde hir leendis with strengthe, and made strong hir arm.

18 Sche taastide, and siy, that hir marchaundie was good; hir lanterne schal not be quenchid in the niyt.

19 Sche putte hir hondis to stronge thingis, and hir fyngris token the spyndil.

20 Sche openyde hir hond to a nedi man, and stretchide forth hir hondis to a pore man.