
12 And ther is no distinccioun of Jew and of Greke; for the same Lord of alle is riche in alle, that inwardli clepen hym.

13 For ech man who euere schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord, schal be saaf.

14 Hou thanne schulen thei inwardli clepe hym, in to whom thei han not bileued? or hou schulen thei bileue to hym, whom thei han not herd? Hou schulen thei here, with outen a prechour?

15 and hou schulen thei preche, but thei be sent? As it is writun, Hou faire ben the feet of hem that prechen pees, of hem that prechen good thingis.

16 But not alle men obeien to the gospel. For Ysaie seith, Lord, who bileuede to oure heryng?

17 Therfor feith is of heryng, but heryng bi the word of Crist.