Salmos 120

1 The `title of the hundrid and twentithe salm. The song of greces. I reiside myn iyen to the hillis; fro whannus help schal come to me.

2 Myn help is of the Lord; that made heuene and erthe.

3 The Lord yyue not thi foot in to mouyng; nether he nappe, that kepith thee.

4 Lo! he schal not nappe, nether slepe; that kepith Israel.

5 The Lord kepith thee; the Lord is thi proteccioun aboue thi riythond.

6 The sunne schal not brenne thee bi dai; nether the moone bi nyyt.

7 The Lord kepe thee fro al yuel; the Lord kepe thi soule.

8 The Lord kepe thi goyng in and thi goyng out; fro this tyme now and in to the world.