1 The title of the hundrid and seuene and twentithe salm. The song of greces. Blessid ben alle men, that dreden the Lord; that gon in hise weies.
2 For thou schalt ete the trauels of thin hondis; thou art blessid, and it schal be wel to thee.
3 Thi wijf as a plenteous vyne; in the sidis of thin hous. Thi sones as the newe sprenges of olyue trees; in the cumpas of thi bord.
4 Lo! so a man schal be blessid; that dredith the Lord.
5 The Lord blesse thee fro Syon; and se thou the goodis of Jerusalem in alle the daies of thi lijf.
6 And se thou the sones of thi sones; se thou pees on Israel.