
13 And who art thou, that demest thi neiybore? Lo! now ye, that seien, To dai ethir to morewe we schulen go in to thilke citee, and there we schulen dwelle a yeer, and we schulen make marchaundise, and we schulen make wynning;

14 whiche witen not, what is to you in the morewe.

15 For what is youre lijf? A smoke apperinge at a litil, and aftirward it schal be wastid. Therfor that ye seie, If the Lord wole, and if we liuen, we schulen do this thing, ether that thing.

16 And now ye maken ful out ioye in youre pridis; euery siche ioye is wickyd.

17 Therfor it is synne to hym, that kan do good, and doith not.